The most accurate political quiz on the web.

The Best Political Quiz
1) Should abortion be legal if the mother's life is not in danger and the mother is over 18 years of age? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
2) Should gay marriage be legal? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
3) Should additional restrictions be placed on lethal firearm purchases? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
4) Should more money be invested in the military? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
5) Should the government be concerned with global warming? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
6) Should there be a government health care option? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
7) Should marijuana be legalized in the same way as alcohol? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
8) Should the US have a hand in helping to create Democratic governments? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
9) Should the government financially assist corporations under any circumstances? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
10) Should a flat tax be implemented? (Same tax % for all) Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
11) Should the government currently have military involvement in the Middle East? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
12) Should the government implement barriers in foreign labor? (Outsourcing jobs overseas) Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
13) Should the government expand offshore drilling? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
14) Should the government engage in talks with hostile nations? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
15) Should the US help to increase the viability of the UN? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
16) Should ANWR (Alaska National Wild Life Preserve) be opened up for drilling? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
17) Should the government implement public works programs? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
18) Should the government impose stricter standards on emissions created by automobiles and factories? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
19) Should the government have restrictions on International free trade? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
20) Should more money be invested in alternative energy research? Yes Maybe No This is a critical issue!
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